石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1048&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁37&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十七冊,頁89-92&*本卷繪魏壽春縣令時苗清廉之故事。時苗為人嫉惡謹守,建安中任壽春縣令,深受愛戴。初到任時惟以一母牛拉車至,居官年餘,牛生一犢,及其去職,亦只有一車一母牛,連小犢都不願帶走,只因小牛乃生於當地,可見時苗之一介不取。民眾不忍見其離去,紛紛夾道相送悲泣。 畫上幅末有趙孟頫紀年款印。描繪人物之圓轉勻長線條雖近於趙孟頫的風格,但筆墨仍有差異,應為後人所偽託。&*Shih Miao, who was morally upright and despised improper behavior, served as magistrate of Shou-ch'un in the last years of the Eastern Han and was honored and respected for his ideals and principles. The story goes that when he began his term, he had arrived in a simple cart driven by a cow. During his term, the cow gave birth to a calf. When it came time for him to leave, he said he would take only what he brought-the cart and cow. He left behind the calf, which he said was born in Shou-ch'un and should stay there. Moved by his integrity and honesty, the residents turned out to bid him farewell. At the end to the left is a signature of Chao Meng-fu. The brush and ink differ from his style, suggesting this was done by a later hand.